Produits > Ready to use > Analysis Sound Viewer

The post processing software for MSV mini acoustic camera.




The Analysis Sound Viewer software is the perfect complement to the Mobile Sound Viewer, in the sense that, it provides visualizations that an acoustic camera operating in real time can’t give.
First of all, it is important to say that the data processed by ASV software are temporal in nature, that is to say raw data without any filtering. In this case, the post-processing capabilities are very wide and introduced “presented” briefly below.

The Analysis Sound Viewer easily gives to the user the possibility of averaging for the duration he desires, on longer time than the MSV but also shorter times. It is also possible to adjust the filter. But, if the superimposed video image to an acoustic image is not sufficient, it is possible to get a real acoustic video superimposed on the video movie.





Sounds listening with the Analysis Sound Viewer

Very simply, the ASV software provides the ability to listen to the results at all levels :

  • Listen what has been recorded “registered”,
  • Listen what has been calculated on the acoustic map,
  • Listen what has been calculated on the acoustic video.

Finally, the ASV provides level in Decibel of the most important source and its frequencies content (spectrum) to the user.